Sustainability Policies

For us, is very important to differentiate us in the market by providing quality service, with an environmental commitment, operating under a sustainability model, so it has designed the following policies and measures for a friendly management environment and promotion of sustainable tourism.

Leones Island Seafood Platter

Since several actors interact in a destination, management and handling are collective responsibilities, thus the implementation of good practices is a commitment of all: entrepreneurs, institutions, visitors, and the local community. Each actor can, from their daily tasks, contribute to improve environmental, social, and economic performance, reduce negative impacts, promote improvement activities, resulting in a sustainable, differentiated, and quality tourist destination.

Tourism should produce benefits for both businessmen and the local community, generating inclusion strategies and progress in training, education, awareness, and respect for social and cultural values, and proposing new labor alternatives.

We are known for providing an excellent personalized service according to the specific requirements of each client.

We always act responsibly for the health and safety of our collaborators and clients, promoting the care of natural and cultural resources, encouraging all stakeholders to support and market local products.

Complying with the requirements of the regulations and current legislation applicable to the activities of our agency.

Sustainable Goals

  • Guarantee that tourism activity produces the least possible negative impact.
  • Support different local projects due to their ecological and/or socio-cultural nature, through their inclusion in our negotiations of products and services.
  • Improve the quality of tourist destinations and the tourist’s and visitors’ perceptions.
  • Achieve a greater commitment to conservation with our environment and receptive communities.
  • Cultural and natural heritage responsible management.
  • Promote the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources.
  • Treasure and respect cultural differences.
  • Promote social responsibility.
  • Guarantee the quality of our products and services.
  • Comply with the quality and customer service policy
  • Follow our Occupational Health and Safety policy
  • Respect our Sustainable Sport Fishing Policy
  • Disseminate good sustainability practices to our stakeholders
  • Promote the purchase of products locally manufactured
  • Comply with all applicable Panamanian legislation.

Environmental Policy

Sustainability constitutes a value for our company, where the use of sustainable practices is promoted to work under a sustainability model that causes the least possible impact on the environment.

  • We are in constant training on sustainability issues, so that all employees are well informed and oriented in the sustainable management of our company.
  • We provide proper waste management, the result of the different tours as well as the office operation. Our trash, come back to us. And for example, aluminum cans are donated to a neighbor in the community to be recycled and at the same time earn income for him.
  • Nuestras embarcaciones están al día con el chequeo técnico del vehículo, el seguro obligatorio para el vehículo y sus pasajeros.
  • We motivate our collaborators so that through their treatment and interaction with the client, they involve them within the sustainability concepts in which the company participates.
  • We make rational use of energy, through reduction practices.
  • We avoid the waste and contamination of the water resource, to contribute to its conservation.
  • We have always taken measures that guarantee and control the saving of water and electricity. Like the harvest of water in our facilities in Bongo de Montijo.
  • The groups with which we operate are small, which makes it possible to generate the least possible environmental’s impact; in order to guarantee the enjoyment of present and future generations of the different tourist attractions that we have.
  • More than 50% of the company’s suppliers are local and we try to get them to participate in a program, standard or certification that identifies them for their sustainable tourism practices.
  • For the cleanliness and cleaning of our facilities, priority is given to products that are friendly to the environment, whether organic or rapidly decomposing.
  • The use of substances such as chlorine, which causes a great impact and deterioration in the environment and its ecosystems, is not allowed.
  • We developed recycling campaigns that motivate customers and people in the community to participate and be part of a social culture that is beneficial to the environment.
  • We work in order to protect and maintain the values of our natural attractions and that makes us internationally recognized as a country of great wealth and conservation, practicing sustainable tourism.
  • During our visits to protected areas, tourists are motivated to respect and take care of the ecosystems present, as well as to avoid situations of extraction of flora and fauna species, animals feeding, and hunting.
  • Offer to our customers a unique and comforting experience of sustainable tourism, where the importance of conservation and natural wealth that we have for responsible enjoyment and use is appreciated.

Flora y Fauna Conservation

Female turtles lay their eggs at the same beach on which they were born

The slaughter of protected wild animals and the illicit exploitation of plants and forests are crimes that have a devastating impact on the environment, local livelihoods, and biodiversity.

Think twice before buying or consuming something made from an exotic tree, plant, or animal because you may be contributing to its extinction or exploitation.

Before you travel, find out about exotic local recipes that may contain illicit products.

Don’t forget that many countries, perhaps yours as well, impose penalties on those found to be trafficking in protected wild animals, exotic plants, or endangered wood products.

Ethics Code

In order to achieve a sustainable operation we have defined the following guidelines:

  • Most of our collaborators are local community residents.
  • Every collaborator has a salary well above the minimum salary established by the Panama national law.
  • As far as possible, make strategic alliances with local companies, strengthening the Veraguas Tourism Chamber and other organizations to which we belong.
  • Our activities and operations reject any kind of sexual and labor children exploitation.
  • We reject discrimination based on race or gender.
  • Our collaborators do not promote establishments where children are directly or indirectly exposed to the sex trade.
  • We will immediately communicate to the local police and/or competent authorities, the cases of sexual commerce with minors that are perceived or detected and to the providers that develop practices related.
  • Ofrecemos nuestros productos sin publicidad engañosa y sin involucrar prácticas indebidas con niños o adolescentes.
  • Sensibilizamos y divulgamos al público que la explotación sexual de menores es un delito.
  • Censuramos todo tipo de explotación sexual infantil y apoyamos todas las acciones legales para prevenir y sancionar estos delitos.
  • We invite customers, suppliers, partners, and other agencies to reject participation in the sexual exploitation of minors and to report all cases of sexual exploitation of children of which they are aware.

We develop programs for:

  • Support for local communities.
  • The hiring of local and national suppliers.
  • Against the illicit traffic of flora and fauna, and cultural property.
  • Cultural and natural heritage promotion.

Responsible Behaviors in Destinations

Human trafficking is a heinous crime driven by demand. When visiting a foreign country, don’t fall into the trap of encouraging trafficking.

If you think someone is being forced to work against their will or abused, or if you just see something that you think is wrong in a bar, hotel, or restaurant, report it.

Your actions can be essential to avoid sexual exploitation and forced labor. Children are especially vulnerable: Don’t let child abuse travel.

Cultural Heritage

Cultural heritage is an element of social cohesion constitutive of identities and the construction of spaces from their history, based on meaning and social meaning.

The valuation and appropriation of cultural heritage is part of the construction of social groups and its dissemination is part of the story of our destinations.

  • We actively collaborate with tourists and visitors so that they know the cultural and regional monumental heritage.
  • We incorporate into our offer the responsible dissemination of intangible cultural heritage: music, dance, oral history and traditional knowledge.
  • We inform tourists and visitors about the load capacity or capacity of the places visited.
  • Our collaborators know the Management and Protection plans of the protected areas that we visit.

Cultural objects such as traditional carvings, pottery, and antiques are attractive as gifts, but be sure not to inadvertently buy stolen, illegally extracted, or looted goods.

Every day, countless sites and monuments on the planet are looted, robbing people of their past. Specific organized crime networks transport and sells these goods.

The impact of these acts can be irreversible and rob countries and citizens of their heritage and cultural identity.

Make sure that the souvenirs you take home have a documented and legal history, that they are not stolen items, and that they have an export permit.

Ask about the origin of what you are buying and always think about the rich history and heritage of your own country and how you would feel if it was taken from you.

Illicit Drugs

Drug trafficking is not a risk worth taking; It is illegal and if you are caught, you will end up in jail with serious consequences.

Some gangs use travelers as bait to attract the attention of authorities and distract them while much larger numbers pass by. On the other hand, do not take any other person’s packages or items, since ignorance will not exempt you from complying with the law.


They may seem like a bargain, but most counterfeit products are unethically manufactured, they can contribute to perpetuating forced labor and poor working conditions as well as having a high environmental impact.

Maybe you think that you are helping a small market or a street vendor, but behind it, there are often criminal interests, who even coerce or exploit the vendors.

Worse, your money can end up financing organized crime groups that diversify their money laundering and drug trafficking businesses by selling counterfeit products.

Avoid putting your money in the hands of organized crime and buy with ethical criteria when you are abroad.