In most of the places where you can find the Wahoo (Petos) are a catch very well appreciated by the sport fishermen. They can weigh more than 100 pounds and are found both in the Pacific and in the Atlantic in areas near the coast of Panama, is often available not too far from land, and is a very good fighter on light to medium tackle. It is known in sports fishing circles for the speed and strength of its first run.
The aggressive habits and razor-sharp teeth of the wahoo can be of considerable annoyance when targeting larger gamefish, however, such as tuna or Marlin.
Wahoo tend to be solitary or occur in loose-knit groups of two or three fish, but where conditions are suitable can be found in schools as large as 100 or more. Their diet is made up of other fish and squid.
Ono (Wahoo) is a Hawaiian word meaning “good to eat.” It is a close relative of the king mackerel.
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