An estuary is any semi-enclosed body of water which opens into the sea and is also connected to a river.
When anglers talk of estuaries in a sea fishing context they usually refer to fishing in the mouth of a large tidal river, such as Gulf of Montijo.
Fishing within an estuary generally offers sheltered and calm conditions due the semi-enclosed environment, meaning that long-distance casting and heavy tackle is not necessary, and anglers can scale down the tackle they use. Most estuaries contain sandbanks and sandbars which are revealed as the tide goes out, and boat moorings, harbours and other man-made structures can often be present in this part of larger estuaries, as well as smaller creeks which branch away from the estuary.
The mix of saltwater and freshwater conditions can produce an interesting combination of species and some productive fishing.
Tarpon (Megalops Atlanticus)
Start here with His Majesty the tarpon (Atlantic tarpon), “Silver King Fish” or “Tarpon” so call our neighbors, enter the estuary in his youth and can be found with weight ranging from 2 to about 20 kgs. Sabalito challenge or “baby tarpon” with a line of 10 or 12 lbs and a reed as described has no equal.
Usually they can be found in areas of current and deeper than the rest of the stream channels, although there is always the possibility to see them eating (hunting) out there, peacefully, with their backs and tails out of the water and chasing shoals of sardines or fray, even at very low zones with only 20 to 30 cm of water.
The shad here in the marshes we saw animals over one meter long, which should weigh and many kilos, are wary and are not easy to capture, and sometimes they can be seen eating at the surface and hunting in groups . For fishing withlight equipment will be sufficient and will be a very enjoyable experience the achieve capture. Shad always liberated, is a species that is actually not very profitable for the kitchen, and in this case its size is always small, so it’s better todrive them to free them when larger fish.
Common Snook (Centropomus undecimalis)
Another great fighter who can also be found in the estuaries is white Robalo (common snook), “Common Snook” are great fighters, usually here can be found more easily in the late evening and with good results when moonlit nights we may be fishing. There are some estuaries in the area have virtually snook throughout the year, but in the winter months when there are larger units and better fishing.
They move together by the stream or channel it and walk huntingfor food, sometimes if the water is low, they can see and can see how chase lures.
Barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda)
The main predator that we can find in our estuaries are barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda) which is characterized bymaking quick and violent attacks and can very easily cut the leader as their teeth are sharp as few. If casteamos in lowlands find small barracudas, especially in the banks and mangrove areas, where small groups meet in foraging and hunting. If troleamos in the creek, well we can then add an undulating spoon in silver, always work, but the barracudathrows virtually anything that moves.
Red Snapper (lujtanus analis, lujtanus grisceus)
Then we can find the red snapper, of these there are several, snapper mulatto, the lunar snapper “Mutton Snapper” (Lujtanus analis), the gray snapper or dog “Gray Snapper” (Lujtanus Grisceus), snapper seeking to hide in the mangrove roots, or in areas where pastures in the background, that’s where we need to cast to find them. They are also good fighters and we can usually catch snappers from 500 grams tosome passing of the 7 kilos.
When small, they walk in shoal and is easy to locate them in the mangrove and generally throughout the estuary, as already mentionedand prefer dark areas where there is structure to hide, or in small pools that can locate where the estuary is open.
Grouper (Ephinepelus morio)
Like the snapper can be found mere “Grouper” (Ephinepelus morio), their big mouths may well take a large unceremoniously lure but the fight that we provide is not very attractive, maybe make one or two short runs and once they havechopped open his big mouth and stand still and only thing closer to release.
Sea Bass (Cynoscions stolzmanni)
The sensation produced fish abass, does not compare toanything, especially when it is a good size. When Corvina “pica” usually begins a violent career firstapplying the most physical effort, this time seems not to end violent reaction, the fight will be intensewith constant and long pulls, with head movements that generateperceptible movements on the toe reed, the duration of the fight may differ from 3 minutes to 15 minutes depending on size, the desire tofight the fish and of course the skill of the angler.
Common Jack (Caranx Hippos)
One of the great fighters of the estuary is the bigeye trevally or bull entering the estuary shoal eating and hunting, large jacks are generally a little deeper areas but sometimes you can see them near the banks and in low areas we must casting before we see them and recover slowly, once the animal has taken the bait must leave for a few secondsand then settle, will start one of the fights that requires a mastery of equipment, the skill of the fisherman and maybeof the need to keep the animal from the estuary, not leaps, but began a steady and very strong race, and you caneasily empty a spool 200 yds line in just a minute or less. It is easier to find them in areas that are connected with the sea, near the river mouths. Although there are times when the swarm moves within the estuary and can locate themfar from the input-output of the sea.
Various species:
Other species that can be found in the estuary are the needles (Tylosurus Cocodrilus) “needdle fish” ranging from small sizes up needlefish 80 or 100 cms. long, they are too jagged and must be very careful, because they can easilybite you and your teeth are just as sharp, thin needles … that easily penetrate into our hands. When they are fishing,give very good jumps and acrobatic turns, it is also good fishing and generally get tangled on the line, so it is difficult tounlock them slightly. Its body is long and very flexible and as mentioned his teeth is very sharp.
There are still many more species that can be found in our estuaries.