A small islet off the northeastern coast of Coiba Island named Granito de Oro (Gold Grain) has emerged as one of the most popular stops for visitors interested in snorkeling the abundant waters of Coiba National Park and picnicking on one of the most pristine beaches in the world.
Its steep volcanic outcropping forms a structure that holds the beautiful white sand in place and creates a reef structure that shelters a large variety of beautiful marine life. It is the multicolor aquarium of Coiba, offering easy access to eels, turtles and large schools of colorful fish.
Granito de Oro offers the casual snorkeler a diversity and volume of marine life that many avid scuba divers spend their lives trying to see. The waters surrounding it have been called one of the top 10 diving destinations in the world.
How to Get There:
You must hire a boat, that takes you from the coast, the most popular places are from Santa Catalina, Playa Banco among others that is located almost to the front, only about 70 minutes journey.
However, if you are in the city of Santiago and do not want to drive two hours to any of these locations, you can make the journey from Puerto Mutis or from our headquarters in the Bongo de Montijo. It is just over two hours; the trip begins by sailing along the San Pedro River, passing the community of Hicaco, until reaching Punta Brava, then passing by Santa Catalina, where we will set the course to our destination.