Gobernadora is a small island south of Veraguas, Cebaco neighboring island with a beautiful little town is a place of nature and unique beauty where flora and fauna invite visitors to live an experience of relaxation, peacefulness and appreciate the deep nature.
The island is often skipped over by travelers, but it’s a pretty little place that offers secluded white-sand beaches and a densely forested mainland.

Gobernadora is at the mouth of the Gulf of Montijo, in a place of calm waters where dolphins frolic at will and humpback whales around its shores, lost at times between the deep blue sea green velvet, to the delight eyes those few patients exercise to contemplate. It is located just north of Cebaco Island, between the wetland of international importance Gulf of Montijo and the Coiba National Park, which is part of the “buffer zone”.
The island is in contrast to our hectic city life, as there are no roads, cars or motorbikes. This small island of only 8 km2, the beaches of gray and white sand lapped by crystal clear freshwater sources, found its harmony in the midst of the prevailing rocky landscapes and mangroves.

The warmth of its inhabitants, mostly fishermen living in the village of La Punta, on the southeast side of the island, sits on the familiarity and friendliness that visitors are treated. Also, the structural beauty and simplicity of the people reveal great care and dedication. It is quiet, friendly people, who want to learn how to consciously manage their natural resources and develop sustainable tourism for the community, where there are organizations such as the group of women, various cooperatives, the group of water, and an ecotourism group.

Gobernadora shores are black and white sand, mangroves, and rocky beaches. Its lush natural beauty provides the perfect setting for many outdoor activity frameworks. Hiking (hiking), diving, camping, fishing, boat rides, crafts and ceramics workshops, or simply come and go in a hammock accompanied by the relentless symphony of birds, are just some examples of what this place offers.
It is recommended to stay on Art Lodge, which has cabins of rural type with the necessary amenities to enjoy their stay.