Sport Fishing in Panama, The Tropical Hidden Gem Sport fishing is one of the most popular activities among tourists who visit Central America, and there’s no better place than Panama to experience it all! With its vast array of marine life, pristine waters, and stunning tropical landscapes, this country has quickly become a top destination...Read More
Travel to Panama to experience the Best Boat, Beach & Snorkeling Tours in Panama, with activities like Sportfishing, Birdwatching, Dolphin, and Whale Watching in paradisiacal places that link the Gulf of Montijo, Coiba & Cebaco Islands, and Iguana Island & Pedasi. You’ll find us charting a course for special places where the crowds don’t go,...Read More
The legends say Panama means, in the indigenous language, an abundance of butterflies, others said it’s because of plentiful fish. In Panama, the fishing possibilities are endless, when a season of one species ends, you have another season that hardly begins. Fishing is good for beginners, enthusiasts, and the most demanding fisherman. The big pelagics...Read More
Sport Fishing in Panama is amazing, despite being a very small country, it has great coastal resources, two oceans (Pacific and the Caribbean), beautiful lakes that feed the Panama Canal, hundreds of rivers, estuaries, and thousand of fish species which convert it a privileged destination to practice sport fishing. It also has excellent weather, which...Read More
We offer the Best Boat, Beach & Snorkel Tours in Panama, with activities like Sportfishing, Birdwatching, Dolphin, and Whale Watching to the Gulf of Montijo, Coiba & Cebaco Island, and Iguana Island & Pedasi. You’ll find us charting a course for special places where the crowds don’t go, where travel experiences ashore are authentic and...Read More
Because the Pacific Ocean on the south coast of Veraguas has good climatic conditions almost all year and multiplenatural settings, alternatives to practice they are immense. Both on the coasts of Mariato, Cébaco and all the surrounding Coiba National Park lovers and amateurs of this sport has an extensive coastline with an abundance of marine wildlife throughout the year. Here, fishing becomes an exceptional sport...Read More
Panama boasts a thriving fish population that thrives in its waters, and we want it to stay that way. We take pride in our team, who are deeply passionate about sustainable sportfishing and actively engage in conservation efforts both on the water and on land. Our policy is to release the majority of our catches,...Read More
One of the most spectacular and magical regions of Panama is the Veraguas Pacific Coast and Pedasí. The true gem that attracts many visitors to Panama is Coiba Island; However, the island of Cébaco and Isla Iguana have nothing to ask of their older sister, white sands, crystal clear waters, and biodiversity that make them...Read More